We try to offer the maximum accessibility following the W3C recommendations.

    1. Accessibility Guide Page

    Quick instructions on accessibility guide as below

    2. Skip to main content

    Skipping all links and going directly to the main contents.  The name can be Skip to content, Skip to main contents.

    3. Skip to submenu

    Skip to the side menu of the page selected

    4. Site search page

    Used in searching the entire site. Search results are shown with title heading, description and the url

    5. Contact

    Access the contact page directly

    6. Alternative tag

    Images delivering contents has alternative tag

    7. Logical contents layout

    Page title is always h1 heading and tried to layout the contents in logical order.

    8. Meta tag for each page provided

    We try to provide unique title, description and keywods so that with just title and description, the page content can be identified without reading the full document.

    9. Others

    Keyboard short cuts brings both pros and cons, thus we decided as of October 2014, keyboard short cuts are no longer provided.

    We try to use the W3C web standards and accessibility to the maximum extent possible. Separating contents from design, supporint all major browsers of IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Sea Monkey, Lynx, Chrome on Linux, Windows and Mac computers. We also offer font resizing functions and hope that screen readers would enjoy accessing the site with ease.

    We will continue to optimize the site for web standards and accessibility.

    For other browsers, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_key
    For Firefox keyboard users, Alt + Shift + key value.
    For IE users keyboard users,  Alt + key value and hit Enter key.